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Steven's Corner @ OUG
Entry: 92
19th May 2007Dear Diary,Here we are, mamaking once again at our favourite Steven's Corner. I've bloged about this place before so I'm not really gonna say much except that the food here is fantastically awesome!! Enjoy the pics :)
I heart this cheesey Cheese Naan very very very much!!
I also heart their Nasi Goreng Kambing very very very muchy much!! :p
And... not to forget hearting their Maggi Goreng which I've recently learnt to like thanx to darling's addiction. Haha... How can such simple food taste so good??
We had dessert at Sri Petaling's Secret Recipe in which we tried out a piece of their White Chocolate Macademia Cake. It's a very light sponge cake filled with layers of cream and topped with a layer of rubbery sweet white chocolate coating. Hmm... tastes good upon the first bite but after that... ugh, jelak :p
~* joychariz *~