Tuesday, September 26, 2006

8th Month Anniversary

Entry: 8
25th of September 2006

Dear Diary,

3 weeks of continuous stress and finally, after what seemed to be like eternity, midterm is over :) That's why I've not been blogging for awhile Terrence :p Nopez, mua has not slacken. Not yet.. Hehe... Anyway, it was our 8th month anniversary for me and darling yesterday. Since it happened to fall on a Sunday, we decided to celebrate it today instead. We actually planned to go for Haagen Dazs' Fondue in 1Utama but when we got there, the waiter told us that we have to wait at least 3 hours for the ice-cream to harden before we could do the fondue thingy. Sigh... I was so terribly disappointed :( Had really been looking forward to it and I waited a month! :( All the ice-cream in the menu looked so good just now... Argh... Can't get those images out of my mind. I hearby declare myself to be an ice-creamholic. Do not tempt or promise to spend me on an ice-cream treat which u will not carry out or I'll haunt your dreams each night with bloody manslaughter and hunt you right down to your miserable maggot earth grave. Hmm... I could have done that to the waiter who told me I could not have my fondue :p Haha!!

So there goes my fondue... :( Darling said he'll bring me to have it in KLCC. Yay!! :) We then decided to celebrate our anniversary in Chilli's :) Was a tough choice to make though. I was torn between Chilli's and Sushi King. Not to mention thoughts about Shogun. Mmmmm..... :) We did however have a good time in Chilli's although darling complained that the service there sucked :p But I really enjoyed my time with him today. Thanx dear for taking time out of ur busy schedule to spend it with me. I love you! Muax....

Yong yuan ai zhe ni lau gong...
~* joychariz *~

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Exams... Midterms... & Assignments...

Entry: 7
7th of September 2006

Dear Diary,

I'm currently drowning in a pool of stress. As of today, my life is packed with exams, midterms and assignments. What else could a girl ask for??? Sigh.... Darling has his share of work too. His scary FYP (Final Year Project). It sounds like a big giant flesh eating monster. Haha!! Work, work, work.....

~* joychariz *~